Some day, this will be a " for web fiction" (both original and fanfiction) where you can search across many different hosting sites or rate what you've read and get recommendations. However, life keeps throwing more urgent projects my way, so I don't know when it'll be ready.

Story Rating: 5 stars
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Asuka nods, a shaky smile on her face. Waiting, watching her leave, Asuka gets her own bag and walks out with the crowd. As she joins the masses of humanity, uncomfortable and hiding her discomfort, she allows herself a smile. People change, after all. Maybe she will, to.

After all, Rei was an absolute terror when she was younger. She must have grown out of those little stunts she pulled.



Clicking on the lights in his office, Kozou Fuyutsuki, Sub Commander and in reality third in command of NERV, looks up from his newspaper and takes a sip from his coffee. Sighing, he places the newspaper down, takes the flash from the inside of his jacket, and pours a generous helping of whiskey into his morning caffeine.

“So this is why I never had children.”

And so he gets to work, pulling at the layers of saran wrap covering the entirety of his office.

NGE: Nobody Dies, Chapter 10

Collection Size: 43642 entries (Last Updated: Mon Oct 17 22:44:07 2022)

Note: This uses my personal collection. The odd quote may only be noteworthy to me but please do use the flag (Report Problem) button in the quote box if you see any mis-filed or obviously broken entries.
