Some day, this will be a " for web fiction"
(both original and fanfiction) where you can search
across many different hosting sites or rate what you've read and
get recommendations. However, life keeps throwing more urgent
projects my way, so I don't know when it'll be ready.
Charlie shrugged, trying to focus on the distant battles but uncertain about what he heard. He looks around himself with concern – he and the others were locked in one of the nastiest-looking places in the entire complex, as they'd been shoved from one to the other room, some huge and full of Muggle contraptions, others small and cramped and stinking vaguely of moldy paper. Now, he was among giants – besides the dragons, there were these shapes, above, that George feared so much –large, bulbous figures, suspended from the roof in tall racks, many of which had been stripped away by the Death Eaters to house the dragons, secure behind thick metal doors. They'd left behind many of the cylinder-shaped objects as well that were stacked to great heights.
George had known what they were, even if the pureblood Death Eaters hadn't. He'd known and nearly fainted when he realized just how much was stacked around them, how much destructive potential, leftover from some Muggle war of old that never started – or ended in time.
The Death Eaters had locked them up along with several fire-breathing dragons in the middle of a forgotten munitions depot.
Collection Size: 43642 entries (Last Updated: Mon Oct 17 22:44:07 2022)